SHARING my expertise
Articles, Media, Etc.
Dive deeper into topics you have almost certainly heard about—and maybe have even experienced—but have perhaps not fully explored, like ADHD, PTSD, the impact of divorce, and what is happening inside the brain of a teenager as it develops.
SHARING my expertise
Presentation Materials
I have provided more than 100 presentations to groups of faculty members, parents, school counselors, and other organizations on ADHD, anxiety disorders, clinical depression, parent-child communication, and school difficulties faced by children and adolescents. Although I have cut back on my presentation schedule, the handouts from those presentations may be useful to you.
Parent & Teacher Interventions for ADHD
Anxiety in Adolescents & Children
Depression in Adolescents & Children
School Difficulties in Children & Adolescents
The Art of the Parent-Child Kibitz
In a clear and cogent manner, Dr. Dan Weinstein demystified depressive disorders for the faculties of The College School and St. Michaels School. His presentation was current, informative, and well organized. What a wonderful resource our community has found inworking with “Doctor Dan”.